Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hasta La Vista Lindsay!

"Beauty is grace and confidence. I`ve learned to accept and appreciate what nature gave me." -- Lindsay Lohan

Awe, now isn't that just sweet? After reading those pretty lines, Lindsay sounds like an empowered woman, a young lady who values and embraces all that she has been blessed with. It's truly unfortunate that Lindsay's reckless actions have yet to match her charming words. If I could hypothetically "vote someone off the island," Lindsay Lohan would be amongst the first of the media superstars out there to get the boot. Her actions make her a terrible role model for today's teenage population, especially young girls. Left and right, Lindsay continues to make bad decisions. Flaunting her immoral ways of living, the example she persists to set for her followers is one of carelessness and irresponsibility.

Lindsay Lohan sets a bad example to young girls everywhere. Whether it's alcohol abuse, eating disorders, illegal drugs, over-excessive partying and sexuality or smoking, her self-destructive tendencies are a poor influence for the naive, impressionable girls of today's society. Reckless and out of control, she is the cause of her own problems, a loose cannon; a potential danger to herself and those around her. Lindsay has danced around the law a multiple amount of times, landing herself in jail one more than on occasion, including illegal drug use and a number of DUI's. Just recently, the media has been all over Lindsay's new devotion of time to her 16 year old sister Ali Lohan. She's taken her to multiple adult clubs and parties, even pulling her out of school to go on these wild escapades. How she gets away with these negligent acts is beyond me. It's sad that as Lohan seems to only dive deeper into this dangerous pool of self-ruin, she's begun to drag her sister into the depths as well.

I'm aware that Lindsay's life growing up was far from perfect, but I'm a huge advocate of bettering one's self. Growing up in a dysfunctional home isn't an excuse to give up and become a bad person, and it certainly doesn't give someone the right to harmfully affect others. It's too bad Lindsay didn't have the drive to push through her problems and come out stronger. Instead, she is the epitome of someone void of self-control and self-respect. Her choices make her a bad idol to adolescent girls everywhere. I truly hope Lindsay comes to realize the error of her ways before it's too late, before she finds herself making a foolish decision that costs her more than all the money she has to burn...a decision that costs her her life.