Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wake Up With The King...I THINK NOT!


You've just woken from a glorious slumber. The soothing sound of chirping birds greets your ears. You're of course a tiny bit aggitated, because more sleep is a much more appealing option than the usual school or work, but this is the same predicament you face everyday. You know what must be done. So you get up, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary…

Now imagine this...once again you awake from a sanctuary of dreams and rest. The birds are still singing. Only something is wrong. You feel something, a presence...beside you in your cozy bed. Only you slept alone last night. There was no partying the night before, no regretful evenings...no reason for there to be anything or anyone there. So you turn over and...

A man in burgandy robes and an oversized mask of a smiling, bearded, male face wearing a crown is staring at you.

I don't know about anyone else, I can only describe how I believe my own reaction to such a situation would play out. Now this is how I'd HOPE to react...assuming that I wouldn't pass out at first glance at creature before me. First I'd scream, loud and screetchy as always. Then in a mad rush I'd hurl myself from my bed, with my luck hittting my head against the nightstand and giving myself a concussion. If by some miracle I missed the bedside table, or any object that may be a potential hazard that is, I'd run. Perhaps I'd grab something heavy for defensive purposes. Though, at that point I think my main goal would be to simply get away.

I hope I never have to find out how I actually would respond to such a greeting, but I know for a fact I sure wouldn't accept a sandwich offered by the intruder. We wouldn't hang out with each other there on my bed. I wouldn't laugh with him and allow him to touch my knee.

I find Burger King's “Wake Up With The King” adds highly disturbing. If I recall correctly my reaction towards first viewing this commercial was, “Ewwwww…” He is in no way an endearing mascot. He isn’t adorable and sassy like the “Yo Quiero Taco Bell” dog. He doesn’t charm me as the Geico Gecco does. He is just plain creepy. The imprint The King’s advertisments leaves does not make me crave BK’s newest breakfast sandwich, but rather leaves me unnerved at the awkward and bizarre scene he creates. On many occasions he breaks into homes, intrudes onto the property of everyday folks and has the nerve, or maybe even decency, to offer them a sandwich. Whether he does what he does with pure intentions or not, the situations he creates are beyond sketchy.

The Burger King in no way makes me want to try a breakfast sandwich, no matter how abundant or delicious the egg, bacon and cheese may be. If anything, the Burger King further encourages me to be certain I lock my doors and windows each night...and maybe even sleep with a knife under my mattress.


  1. Haha I am so glad you chose this as your video because I couldn't agree with you more. These commercials ALWAYS scare the crap out of me! Seriously, that guy is freaky looking! They need to get a new BK mascot because he definitely, in no way, makes me want to go there for breakfast. Good post:)

  2. I happen to enjoy Burger King breakfast so i would wake up with the king. I dont know about him being in my bed though. Or in my room. sitting in the kitchen would be awesome though! good post.

  3. haha that's really funny. but i totally agree with you! i think that the "king" should stay at burger king! In all of the Burger King commercials he is always somewhere that he shouldn't be. I agree with Olivia, they need a new BK mascot, because personally i think that the king looks like the could be a petifile, but thats me.
    Good post!:)

  4. hahah i agree with you. That would be really creepy to see his face looking directly at you when you wake up. It reminds me of a scene from a scary movie except no killing. Great post

  5. Amusing. I actually like burger king but with this commercial it's weird to eat overthere now. I cant imagine what I would do if I wake next to the king. Good Job

  6. Ha Haaaa!!!! How amazing it is that someone else felt as I did about the King in my bed. When I first saw this commercial I went over the scenario in my head as well. There is no way I would have been cool and welcoming of this large faced grinning man. I love how you laid everything out for us, made me smile widely to see your thoughts recreate the scene. Frickin Burger King...

  7. It almost seems like BK is trying to hard, sure it's cute and all when it's on TV but you really don't want to see that first thing in the morning. So I agree with everyone in that this would freak me out and probably traumatize me for life.

  8. Good post...I'm not sure how I would feel about waking up with the king. I’m not a huge fan of fast food breakfast and I feel that homemade eggs are much better. After eating at a fast food restaurant I always seem to get a huge crash so it wouldn’t be good to wake up with the king.

  9. i would love to wake up to someone feeding me! i think that would be the greatest thing ever!i love the king he is wonderful.

  10. I would be not happy if he was in my bed.. I might throw a punch honestly. I'd be really freaked out..

  11. Thanks for all the comments! :)

  12. Yeah, I may like Burger King food everyonce in a while but I wouldn't like my first sight in the morning to be the Burger King guy. I would definitely freak out and most likely throw a few punches too. The commercials these days do get a little crazy.
